Saluki Maintainers

This is a database with Salukis maintained by Heidi Lappalainen, Maija Nissinen, Jessica Bolander, Saila Tiainen, and Sonja Holm.

If you would like to contribute information to the database, or if you find anything which is incorrect in the database, please contact the Saluki database maintainers.

You can either e-mail the information or send it by snail mail. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Data provided by Saluki database

Our goal is to provide accurate online pedigrees. We prefer data taken from certified pedigrees, official databases of kennel clubs, show catalogues or Yearbooks. If these resources are not available only then might we consider using the data published in various magazines or internet-resources.

If you wish to share any data taken from certified pedigrees, show catalogues or Yearbooks, you can either post the paper copies of the data or scan the data by OCR and then e-mail them as file attachments. Also links to the pictures or small files of pictures are more than welcome. We can add the link for a picture of a particular Saluki to the pedigree or we can archive pictures ourselves and link the archived pictures to pedigrees.


If you wish to contribute the database with a picture, please note:

  • only one photo per Saluki
  • copyrights must be in order
    • submit the name of the photographer with the picture
    • if the picture has been taken by yourself, it is up to you to decide on contributing it to us for publishing in this database. We will use submitted photos only in this database. We will not give permission for further use of the pictures managed by us.
    • if the picture has been not taken by yourself, make sure you have the right to e-mail us the picture to publish it on the internet.

Contact by e-mail

Any corrections and contributions to the data are welcome. We will work on them as soon as possible. We remind you that maintaining this Saluki database is done as a volunteer work, as a non-profit hobby. Thus we will not give any guarantees for the data or commitments for working schedual.

Please contact the maintainers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get more information. If possible We try to check the incoming mail at least weekly.
