Cat Databases
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List of Databases
Abyssinian & Somali (ABY & SOM) American Curl (ACL & ACS) Australian Mist (AUM) Bengal (BEN) Birman (SBI) Bombay (BOS) British Shorthair (BRI, BRL, SFS) Burmese (BUR) Burmilla (BML) Chartreux (CHA) Cornish Rex (CRX) Devon Rex DRX) Don Sphynx (DSP) European Shorthair (EUR) German Rex (GRX) Japanese Bobtail (JBS & JBL) Khao Manee (KMA) Korat (KOR) Kurilean Bobtail (KBL & KBS) La Perm (LPL & LPS) Maine Coon (MCO) Manx & Cymric (MAN & CYM) |
Munchkin (MNS & MNL) Norwegian Forest Cat (NFO) Ocicat (OCI) Pixie-Bob (PBS & PBL) Persian & Exotic (PER & EXO) Ragdoll (RAG) Russian Blue & Nebelung (RUS & NEB) Savannah (SAV) Scottish Fold (incl. British Shorthair & British LH) (SFS) Selkirk Rex (SRL & SRS) Siamese, Oriental, Peterbald & Thai (SIA, OSH, PEB, THA) Siberian (incl. Neva Masquerade) (SIB & NEM) Singapura (SIN) Snowshoe (SNO) Sokoke (SOK) Sphynx (SPH) Tennessee rex (TRX) Tonkinese (TOS) Turkish Angora (TUA) Toyger (TOY) Ural Rex (URX) |