Donate to PawPeds

In order to keep not only the project running, but also to develop it further, money is needed. So if you'd like to support PawPeds, please give us a hand and contribute to the site! Your donations will help to cover the cost for having the site up and running and to further develop PawPeds.

Read more about PawPeds on our About Page.

Donate to HCM Heart Screening

If you have done a HCM heart screening and you are happy about our service and find it important that the health information can be registered and published in the future, please consider donating a small amount for this service.

Donate to the HCM health programme

The health programmes do not have any income streams that covers the costs PawPeds has for technical maintenance, software and supplies. To be able to keep providing these services in the future for the benefit of the health of our cats, we depend on your donations and volunteer work. To improve the registration process further in the future, by making the HCM health programme digital, we also need additional funds. We rely on the breeder community to contribute, so we can give back to you with important information that can support your breeding programme.

General Donation

You can donate in different ways, services, and currencies as specified below.


Via Stripe you can pay in EUR and SEK and via different payment methods like Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, WeChat Pay.

Euros (EUR) Swedish kronor (SEK)
Donation in EUR Donation in SEK
Donation in EUR Donation SEK QR


Click on one of the buttons below to donate in Euros, US Dollars, or Swedish kronor to use the PayPal service. The donation can also be made recurring monthly or annually.

Note: If you don't have a PayPal account you can donate using your credit card. Just click the button for the currency you want to use below, fill in the amount, and then choose to pay by credit card. All management of the card details is made by PayPal in a safe manner.

Euros US Dollars Swedish kronor
QR Donate EUR QR Donate USD  QR Donate SEK

Bank Transfer

You can also donate via our bank account. This works good in Sweden and from EU if the so called SEPA payment can be used.

Note the transfer with Donation.

Bankgiro (Sweden): 200-1816

IBAN: SE42 6000 0000 0006 1075 0682

