G1 - Grundkurs 1 - Besitz einer Katze

Der G1-Kurs hat folgenden Inhalt:Picture

  • Anatomie (Einführung)
  • Verhalten
  • Grundinformationen über Futter und Ernährung
  • Wohnungskatze - Freigänger
  • Wie man den richtigen Züchter findet
  • Rassekatze oder Hauskatze?
  • Gesetze und Vorschriften beim Kauf einer Katze
  • Kaufvertrag
  • Sichere Umgebung für die Katze
  • Vergiftungen
  • Katzenstreu und Katzentoilette
  • Kastration
  • Gesundheits-Checks
  • Impfungen
  • Die ältere Katze
  • Parasiten
  • Häufige Krankheiten und Gesundheitsprobleme
  • Gesundheitsprogramme
  • Die Pawpeds Datenbank Seite
  • Katzenrassen
  • Katzenfarben
  • Katzenausstellungen
  • Züchten?

Der Kurs dauert 6 Wochen. Die Teilnehmer werden Artikel lesen, Tests absolvieren, schreiben, und Problemstellungen, die sich aus den verschiedenen  Artikeln ergeben, zu lösen versuchen - sowohl in Gruppen-, als auch in Einzelarbeiten.

Der gesamte Kurs wird über Internet abgehalten. Sie werden von Zuhause aus arbeiten. Allerdings werden Sie für einige der Aufgaben mit anderen Teilnehmern/-innen in Kontakt sein. Das wird hauptsächlich über das Forum der Kursgruppe auf der Internetseite des Kurses erfolgen.


The courses require quite some work from the participants! Most of our participants spend around 2-5 hours per week on the G1 course, some more, depending on earlier knowledge and how used they are to study. Please plan ahead when you consider accepting the invitation.

Requirements for the Courses

G1 - Start for beginners and open for everyone.
G2 - Open only for those who have taken the G1 course and got the examination banner!
G3 - Open only for those who have taken the G2 course and got the examination banner!

Conditions (summary)

Note that the course fee will not be reimbursed if you decide to leave the course or if you change your mind before the course starts, regardless of the reasons for this. You also can not count on obtaining a place in a future course unless you pay the fee for that place.

We make no difference between the reasons why a student leaves the course or changes his/her mind. The reasons are often very personal, and we feel we should not investigate these in order to judge if a student has a good enough reason to drop out of the course.

If a person who paid the course fee informs us very early that he/she can not take the course, preferrably before the course starts, we can in some cases arrange it so that the course fee can be used for a later course instead. This is only if we can fill the place in the course with another participant. However, it can not be required from us to solve this for a participant.

If a student drops out during the course we can sometimes offer the student a place in a future course if another student dropped out from that course. For this to be an option the later student must have dropped out from his/her course at the same time as the student who is to take over the place, or earlier. This means that the later in the course a student drops out the better are the chances to take up the course again in a future course without having to pay again. We will do what we can to help, but we can not guarantee that we can solve it in all cases. If you want to make sure to be able to take up the studies again at a later course you will have to sign up again and pay the course fee again when you get the invitation. You will then have a new place right from the start of that course.

Sign up

Fill in the form for the German G1 course.

The approximately present course fee

The price might change over time. You will not have to pay until we can offer you a place in the course.
If you will not get a place in the next planned courses, you will be placed on a waiting list and will be offered a place later on.

  • G1 - € 50 (plus bank fees for transfering the money)



