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Terrificats Americoon Maid, F, MCO n 09 22, 1989-01-09, US/DK
Printer Friendly | Generations: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Inbreeding = 8.93% | Test mate
Inbreeding calculated based on 829 ancestors (251 unique) of 1022 possible, 6 complete generations out of 9 , generation 9 is less than 75 % filled
GC Terrificats Supermaine, MCO n 09 22, 1987-08-12, US/US
GC Unicoon Pine Cone, MCO n 23, 1985-12-18, US/US
GC/BW/RW Lovabacon Tom Terrificat, DM, MCO n 09 23, 1982-09-15, -/US
CH McInkats Kid BJ of Krutherskats, MCO n 09 23, 1981-01-05, US/-
GC McInkats Aki Kuma Cha of Nthaboo, MCO n 23, 1979-11-27, US/-
QGC Zig-Krn Devil of Kibs, MCO n 22, 1978-06-26
DGC Mor-Ace My Boy of Zig-Krn, MCO n 03, 1975-03-12, US/US
QGC Mor-Ace Satan, MCO n 22, 1971-01-18, US/US
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Bleu Belle of Mor-Ace, MCO a 21, 1969-05-28, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Colette of Mor-Ace, MCO f 09 22, 1970-03-25, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
GC Tati-Tan Coquette de France, MCO f 09 21, 1968-07-11, US/US
GC Zig-Krn Magnificent Maggie, MCO n 22, 1976-04-14
QGC Abnaki Mr. Bo Jangles of Le Beau Minu, MCO a 22, 1971-04-22
CH Fluffanutter of Abnaki, MCO n 09 22, 1969-06-09, US/US
Whittemore Chick-A-Dee of Abnaki, MCO g 21, US/US
CH Zig-Krn Pretty Girl of Felton, MCO n 22
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Belbette of Zig-Krn, MCO a 09 21, US/-
GP Suzeran Shady Sabrina of McInkats, MCO f 22, 1977-05-20, US/US
Family Zoo Boris of Haze, MCO a 03
CH Havenwood Bobcat of Family Zoo, MCO n 23
Havenwood Kumalo, MCO d 09 23, US/US
Havenwood Spice, MCO f 09
Lady Raboo of Family Zoo, MCO g 09
Blue Boy of Pointless Forest [US], MCO a 09
Family Zoo Puff of Pointless Forest, MCO f
SGC Suzeran Pagliacci, MCO f 09, 1976-03-02, US/US
SGC Havenwood Billy Budd of Suzeran, MCO n 09 23, 1974-08-13, US/US
CH Tesora Bio-Ful-Tu of Havenwood, MCO n 09 23
CH Havenwood Mu-Berry, MCO n 23, US/US
Havenwood Sally Penny of Suzeran, MCO d 23, 1975-05-20, US/US
Havenwood Red Baron, MCO d 23
Havenwood Cinnamon, MCO f
DGC Kibs Raska of McInkats, MCO n 09 22, 1979-08-16
SGC Our Billy Benjamin of McInkats, MCO n 09 23, 1977-09-04
GC Coonhollow Robroy of Suzeran, MCO d 09 23, 1976-06-26, US/US
SGC Havenwood Billy Budd of Suzeran, MCO n 09 23, 1974-08-13, US/US
CH Tesora Bio-Ful-Tu of Havenwood, MCO n 09 23
CH Havenwood Mu-Berry, MCO n 23, US/US
CH Family Zoo Silver Bud of Coonhollow, MCO fs 21
CH Havenwood Bobcat of Family Zoo, MCO n 23
Lady Raboo of Family Zoo, MCO g 09
CH Calicoon Scarlett Summer of Our, MCO f 09 21, 1976-06-26, US/US
DGC Cacomistle Rocky Raccoon of Calicoon, MCO n 09 23, 1975-03-07, US/US
QGC Yankeecats Clipper of Cacomistle, MCO d 03, 1971-08-06, US/US
CH Highmeadow Early Delivery, MCO f 09 23, 1972-08-09, US/US
DGC Belwitch Buffy of Calicoon, MCO d 09 23, 1975-04-05, US/US
SGC Yankeecats Von Richthofen, MCO d 23, 1972-09-16, US/US
St. Ives Victoria of Belwitch, MCO d 09 23
CH Zig-Krn Agassiz Avante of Kibs, MCO f 09 22, 1977-04-08, US/-
DGC Mor-Ace My Boy of Zig-Krn, MCO n 03, 1975-03-12, US/US
QGC Mor-Ace Satan, MCO n 22, 1971-01-18, US/US
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Bleu Belle of Mor-Ace, MCO a 21, 1969-05-28, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Colette of Mor-Ace, MCO f 09 22, 1970-03-25, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
GC Tati-Tan Coquette de France, MCO f 09 21, 1968-07-11, US/US
QGC Zig-Krn Enchantment of Agassiz, MCO f 09 22, US/US
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
Whittemore Schiller, MCO a, US/US
Whittemore Sandy, MCO d, US/US
Whittemore Me-Too of Zig-Krn, MCO n 09 21, US/US
Whittemore Sammie, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Tigress, MCO n 21, US/US
Lovabacon Echo, MCO n 09, 1981-07-09, US/US
GC Suzeran Lord Peter Wimsey of Kinukun, MCO n 09, 1977-08-07, US/US
GC Coonhollow Robroy of Suzeran, MCO d 09 23, 1976-06-26, US/US
SGC Havenwood Billy Budd of Suzeran, MCO n 09 23, 1974-08-13, US/US
CH Tesora Bio-Ful-Tu of Havenwood, MCO n 09 23
Havenwood Half-Track, MCO a 09
Tesora Tzu-Hsi, MCO n
CH Havenwood Mu-Berry, MCO n 23, US/US
Havenwood Kumalo, MCO d 09 23, US/US
CH Havenwood Columbine, MCO w 63, US/US
CH Family Zoo Silver Bud of Coonhollow, MCO fs 21
CH Havenwood Bobcat of Family Zoo, MCO n 23
Havenwood Kumalo, MCO d 09 23, US/US
Havenwood Spice, MCO f 09
Lady Raboo of Family Zoo, MCO g 09
Blue Boy of Pointless Forest [US], MCO a 09
Family Zoo Puff of Pointless Forest, MCO f
CH Suzeran Abigail Adams, MCO f 09 21, 1976-03-02, US/US
SGC Havenwood Billy Budd of Suzeran, MCO n 09 23, 1974-08-13, US/US
CH Tesora Bio-Ful-Tu of Havenwood, MCO n 09 23
Havenwood Half-Track, MCO a 09
Tesora Tzu-Hsi, MCO n
CH Havenwood Mu-Berry, MCO n 23, US/US
Havenwood Kumalo, MCO d 09 23, US/US
CH Havenwood Columbine, MCO w 63, US/US
Havenwood Sally Penny of Suzeran, MCO d 23, 1975-05-20, US/US
Havenwood Red Baron, MCO d 23
CH Tesora Bio-Ful-Tu of Havenwood, MCO n 09 23
Havenwood Spice, MCO f 09
Havenwood Cinnamon, MCO f
Havenwood Kumalo, MCO d 09 23, US/US
Havenwood Spice, MCO f 09
RW-GC GP Jaidee Panda of Terrificats, DM, MCO n 09, 1977-08-21
CH Candilu Licorice of Jaidee, MCO n 09, 1976-05-19, US/-
Mor-Ace Zeus, MCO w
CH Snoopy of Mor-Ace, MCO w 62
Whittemore Randi, MCO e, US/US
Miss Tammy of Whittemore, MCO w
Tati-Tan Lisa of Kettle Top, MCO e 21, US/US
Tati-Tan Campelle, MCO e 09 21, US/-
Tati-Tan Caprice, MCO g, US/-
Mor-Ace Billie Jo of Candilu, MCO a, US/US
QGC Mor-Ace Satan, MCO n 22, 1971-01-18, US/US
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Bleu Belle of Mor-Ace, MCO a 21, 1969-05-28, US/US
Mor-Ace Venus, MCO a 21, US/US
Harobed Blackie of Mor-Ace, MCO n, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Bleu Belle of Mor-Ace, MCO a 21, 1969-05-28, US/US
CH Magnificoon Patches of Jaidee, MCO f 09, 1976-04-17, US/US
DGC Yankeecats Quartz of Magnificoon, MCO w 62, 1971-09-01, US/US
CH Black Jack of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO n, US/US
CH Snow Queen of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO w 64, US/US
CH Bo Chat Buttercup of Magnificoon, MCO d 09 21, 1973-02-16, US/US
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH Tati-Tan Moses of Sundar, MCO n 22, 1968-07-11, US/US
CH Emin-Dale Sarah of Sundar, MCO d 09, US/US
Sundar Biskit of Bo Chat, MCO fs 11
CH Heidi Ho Zacharius P. of Sundar, MCO ds 11, US/-
Tati-Tan Anya of Sundar, MCO f 21, 1969-05-28, US/-
CH PR Tycoon Spring Rain of Unicoon, MCO g 22, 1984-07-03, US/-
SGC GC Tycoon Beau Brummel, MCO n 22, 1983-03-26, US/US
SGC GC MtKittery Schoodic, MCO n 22, 1979-06-01, US/US
CH Illya Shem, MCO n 23, 1975-01-03, US/US
GC Miston Saco Buoy, MCO n 09, 1974-04-22, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Noah of Miston, MCO n 09 23, 1972-10-24, US/-
GC Heidi Ho Seth Parker, MCO d 09 23, 1970-12-26, US/-
CH Heidi Ho Molly Stark, MCO n 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
CH Miston Ms. Lilith, MCO f, 1972-02-24
CH Whittemore Senator Muskie of Norwynde, MCO a, 1968-07-17, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Sans Souci of Miston, MCO f 21, US/-
TGC Miston Misty Blu, MCO a 23, 1973-10-30, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Noah of Miston, MCO n 09 23, 1972-10-24, US/-
GC Heidi Ho Seth Parker, MCO d 09 23, 1970-12-26, US/-
CH Heidi Ho Molly Stark, MCO n 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Norwynde Blu Hether of Miston, MCO a, 1972-03-18, US/US
CH Norwynde Mingo, MCO n 23, 1969-02-09, US/US
Norwynde Moki, MCO a, US/US
CH Ktaadn Chelsea of MtKittery, MCO n 22, 1977-04-24, US/US
GC Heidi Ho Henry Sayward, MCO ns 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
Ktaadn Katrinka, MCO a 22, 1975-03-27, US/-
CH Fluffanutter of Abnaki, MCO n 09 22, 1969-06-09, US/US
Peanut Butter Cup, MCO n 23
Affie Dibbles, MCO ns 23
Whittemore Chick-A-Dee of Abnaki, MCO g 21, US/US
Whittemore Randi, MCO e, US/US
Whittemore Fluffy, MCO f 09, US/US
QGC Heidi Ho Annabel Lee of Tycoon, OD, MCO ns 23, 1982-01-09, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Sonkey Bill, MCO ns 23, 1978-01-21, US/US
GC Heidi Ho Henry Sayward, MCO ns 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Henrietta Katt, MCO ns 23, 1976-06-03, US/US
GC Heidi Ho Henry Sayward, MCO ns 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Heather, MCO ns 09 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
CH Tanstaafl Polly Adeline of Heidi Ho, MCO n 22, 1977-11-05, US/US
CH Nantiss Ian McTabby of Tanstaafl, MCO n 23, 1975-01-28, US/US
GC Bo Chat Lord Chesterfield, MCO n 09 23, 1973-08-16, US/US
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH Calliope Charlotte of Bo Chat, MCO n, 1972-07-09
CH Quan Yin Natasha of Miston, MCO n 09 23, 1973-05-16, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
War-Tell Jasmine of Quan Yin, MCO n, 1970-09-26
CH Melchizedek Susie Q of Tanstaafl, MCO n 22, 1975-08-26, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Moses of Sundar, MCO n 22, 1968-07-11, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
CH Tanstaafl Ruth of Melchizedek, MCO n 22, US/US
GC Heidi Ho Henry Sayward, MCO ns 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
QGC Heidi Ho Josie of Tanstaafl, MCO f 22, 1972-10-24, US/US
DGC Tycoon Uptown Bimbo, MCO g 22, 1982-05-12, US/US
TGC Ormes Gandy Dancer, MCO a 21, 1980-05-17
Hanmore Calvin C of Lyb-E, MCO a 21, 1979-03-29
Candilu Blackie Carbon, MCO n, 1997-06-21
Candilu Blitz, MCO w
Mor-Ace Zeus, MCO w
Mor-Ace Billie Jo of Candilu, MCO a, US/US
Candilu Buff 'n Blue, MCO g
Razzberi Ripple of Candilu, MCO d 22, 1975-07-06, US/US
Mor-Ace Billie Jo of Candilu, MCO a, US/US
Lyb-E Harriet of Hanmor, MCO n 22, 1978-04-03, US/-
GC Lyb-E Karen's Kelle, MCO n 22, 1972-04-06
Emin-Dale Gus of All-Saints, MCO a 09
QGC All-Saints Karen, MCO f 21
CH Lyb-E Christa's Katy, MCO n 21, 1974-07-16
GC Lyb-E Karen's Kelle, MCO n 22, 1972-04-06
All-Saints Christa, MCO f 22, 1970-03-30
Ormes S.T., MCO g, 1979-06-13
QGC Jaidee Happy Wanderer of Candilu, MCO e 09 22, 1977-08-21
CH Candilu Licorice of Jaidee, MCO n 09, 1976-05-19, US/-
Mor-Ace Zeus, MCO w
Mor-Ace Billie Jo of Candilu, MCO a, US/US
CH Magnificoon Patches of Jaidee, MCO f 09, 1976-04-17, US/US
DGC Yankeecats Quartz of Magnificoon, MCO w 62, 1971-09-01, US/US
CH Bo Chat Buttercup of Magnificoon, MCO d 09 21, 1973-02-16, US/US
Candilu Pi Tui, MCO n, US/-
Razzberi Ripple of Candilu, MCO d 22, 1975-07-06, US/US
Katahdn of Abnaki, MCO n 23
Abnaki Miss Maine of Tanstaafl, MCO g, 1971-04-22
CH Candilu Goggles of Magnificat, MCO f, 1976-09-07, US/US
Razzberi Ripple of Candilu, MCO d 22, 1975-07-06, US/US
Mor-Ace Billie Jo of Candilu, MCO a, US/US
GC Zazzara Luv Ya Blue, MCO g 21, 1980-09-15
TGC Zazzara Tam O'Shanter, MCO a 22, 1979-12-12
Baba Au Rhum of Illya, MCO e 21, 1976-09-09
GC Miston Saco Buoy, MCO n 09, 1974-04-22, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Noah of Miston, MCO n 09 23, 1972-10-24, US/-
CH Miston Ms. Lilith, MCO f, 1972-02-24
Quan Yin Misty of Kalicoon, MCO f 09 21, US/US
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH War-Tell Mimosa of Quan Yin, MCO n 09 23
CH Norwynde Mandi Blue of Zazzara, MCO a 22, 1978-10-05, US/US
CH Norwynde Mingo, MCO n 23, 1969-02-09, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
CH Norwynde Miss Blue Girl of Tati-Tan, MCO a, 1968-02-15, US/US
Miston Patti-Pat of Norwynde, MCO n, 1973-05-14, US/US
CH De Richelieu Panda Ring Tip of Miston, MCO n 09, 1972-01-11
CH Tati-Tan Sans Souci of Miston, MCO f 21, US/-
GC Mladia Tipperary of Zazzara, MCO f, 1979-06-09, US/US
Mladia Asaph, MCO n, 1977-05-02, US/US
CH Ktaadn King Kristophe, MCO n, US/US
CH Norwynde Lil Black Mum-Bo of Ktaadn, MCO n, 1970-03-07, US/US
CH Jo Stad Sally of Ktaadn, MCO n, US/US
Bo Chat Sheeba of Mladia, MCO n, 1975-04-07, US/US
GC Bo Chat Lord Chesterfield, MCO n 09 23, 1973-08-16, US/US
Miston Yin-Yang of Quan Yin, MCO n 09, US/US
Mladia Chanissa, MCO fs, 1978-11-30, US/US
Cozy Nook Zackari of Mladia, MCO ns, 1977-05-12, US/US
CH Cozy Nook Mark, MCO ns 21, 1976-02-26, US/US
Quan Yin Simone of Cozy Nook, MCO n, 1974-03-26, US/US
Mladia Snohball, MCO ds 09 21, 1975-01-11, US/US
Sammie of Mladia [Pennsylvania, US], MCO d 22, US/US
Freeda of Mladia [Pennsylvania, US], MCO ds 09 21, US/-
GC PR Lovabacon Harleycoon, DM, MCO f 01, 1982-03-25, US/-
GC Friscoon Panama Red of Kreidcats, MCO d 09 22, 1979-07-28, US/US
DGC Calicoon Sam Francisco of Friscoon, MCO d 09 23, 1977-02-09, US/US
DGC Cacomistle Rocky Raccoon of Calicoon, MCO n 09 23, 1975-03-07, US/US
QGC Yankeecats Clipper of Cacomistle, MCO d 03, 1971-08-06, US/US
CH Mitt's of Stoner Acres, MCO d 09 23, -/US
Nomen of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO n 09, US/US
Cally [US], MCO f 09 21
CH Yankeecats Calico Queen, MCO f 23, US/US
Nomen of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO n 09, US/US
Gingersnap of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO d 23, US/US
CH Highmeadow Early Delivery, MCO f 09 23, 1972-08-09, US/US
DGC Yankeecats Quartz of Magnificoon, MCO w 62, 1971-09-01, US/US
CH Black Jack of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO n, US/US
CH Snow Queen of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO w 64, US/US
Highmeadow Bourbon Belle, MCO f 09 22, US/US
Fritz G. Edsel [US], MCO d 09 23, US/-
GC Lady Elaine of Kent, MCO n 23
Laddy [US], MCO n 23, US/US
Wee Lassie [US], MCO n 23, US/US
DGC Belwitch Buffy of Calicoon, MCO d 09 23, 1975-04-05, US/US
SGC Yankeecats Von Richthofen, MCO d 23, 1972-09-16, US/US
Yankeecats Obsidian, MCO ns, 1971-09-04, US/US
CH Black Jack of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO n, US/US
CH Snow Queen of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO w 64, US/US
Yankeecats Sadie, MCO d 09 23, US/US
CH Mitt's of Stoner Acres, MCO d 09 23, -/US
Nomen of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO n 09, US/US
Cally [US], MCO f 09 21
CH Yankeecats Calico Queen, MCO f 23, US/US
Nomen of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO n 09, US/US
Gingersnap of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO d 23, US/US
St. Ives Victoria of Belwitch, MCO d 09 23
GC Heidi Ho Henry Sayward, MCO ns 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
Whittemore Jane Ringlet, MCO f 09, US/-
Ringo of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO d 21, -/US
Whittemore Snow Queen, MCO w, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Princess Sue of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO w, US/US
SGC Bleakmore Ned's Zenobia of Friscoon, MCO e 09 22, 1978-05-27
QGC Calamazoo Rocky Raccoon, MCO e 22
CH Nantiss Clyde of Calamazoo, MCO n 09, 1975-01-28
GC Bo Chat Lord Chesterfield, MCO n 09 23, 1973-08-16, US/US
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH Tati-Tan Moses of Sundar, MCO n 22, 1968-07-11, US/US
CH Emin-Dale Sarah of Sundar, MCO d 09, US/US
CH Calliope Charlotte of Bo Chat, MCO n, 1972-07-09
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
Arabel of Calliope, MCO fs 09, 1971-03-04
CH Quan Yin Natasha of Miston, MCO n 09 23, 1973-05-16, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
War-Tell Jasmine of Quan Yin, MCO n, 1970-09-26
War-Tell Daquiri, MCO a 09 21
Lucky of War-Tell, MCO n, 1967-05-13
Quan Yin Dragon Lady of Calamazoo, MCO d 09 23, 1975-04-29
CH Quan Yin Golden Dragon of Encee, MCO d 22, 1974-06-28
CH De Richelieu Panda Ring Tip of Miston, MCO n 09, 1972-01-11
Valentine Massacre of de Richelieu, MCO a
De Richelieu Tiger Lily, MCO n 09, US/US
Bo Chat Shamrock of Quan Yin, MCO f 09 23, US/-
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH Calliope Charlotte of Bo Chat, MCO n, 1972-07-09
Quan Yin Lady Bug, MCO f 09 22
CH Heidi Ho Rick Shaw of Quan Yin, MCO n 09 21, 1974-05-09, US/-
GC Heidi Ho Seth Parker, MCO d 09 23, 1970-12-26, US/-
CH Heidi Ho Molly Stark, MCO n 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Quan Yin Callicoon, MCO g 09, US/-
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH War-Tell Mimosa of Quan Yin, MCO n 09 23
QGC Calamazoo China Rose, MCO g 09, 1976-07-24
CH Nantiss Clyde of Calamazoo, MCO n 09, 1975-01-28
GC Bo Chat Lord Chesterfield, MCO n 09 23, 1973-08-16, US/US
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH Tati-Tan Moses of Sundar, MCO n 22, 1968-07-11, US/US
CH Emin-Dale Sarah of Sundar, MCO d 09, US/US
CH Calliope Charlotte of Bo Chat, MCO n, 1972-07-09
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
Arabel of Calliope, MCO fs 09, 1971-03-04
CH Quan Yin Natasha of Miston, MCO n 09 23, 1973-05-16, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
War-Tell Jasmine of Quan Yin, MCO n, 1970-09-26
War-Tell Daquiri, MCO a 09 21
Lucky of War-Tell, MCO n, 1967-05-13
Quan Yin Dragon Lady of Calamazoo, MCO d 09 23, 1975-04-29
CH Quan Yin Golden Dragon of Encee, MCO d 22, 1974-06-28
CH De Richelieu Panda Ring Tip of Miston, MCO n 09, 1972-01-11
Valentine Massacre of de Richelieu, MCO a
De Richelieu Tiger Lily, MCO n 09, US/US
Bo Chat Shamrock of Quan Yin, MCO f 09 23, US/-
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH Calliope Charlotte of Bo Chat, MCO n, 1972-07-09
Quan Yin Lady Bug, MCO f 09 22
CH Heidi Ho Rick Shaw of Quan Yin, MCO n 09 21, 1974-05-09, US/-
GC Heidi Ho Seth Parker, MCO d 09 23, 1970-12-26, US/-
CH Heidi Ho Molly Stark, MCO n 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Quan Yin Callicoon, MCO g 09, US/-
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH War-Tell Mimosa of Quan Yin, MCO n 09 23
RW-GC GP Jaidee Panda of Terrificats, DM, MCO n 09, 1977-08-21
CH Candilu Licorice of Jaidee, MCO n 09, 1976-05-19, US/-
Mor-Ace Zeus, MCO w
CH Snoopy of Mor-Ace, MCO w 62
Whittemore Randi, MCO e, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Princess Sue of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO w, US/US
Miss Tammy of Whittemore, MCO w
Blue Boy of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO a, US/US
Princess Puff of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO w, US/US
Tati-Tan Lisa of Kettle Top, MCO e 21, US/US
Tati-Tan Campelle, MCO e 09 21, US/-
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
Tati-Tan Caprice, MCO g, US/-
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
Mor-Ace Billie Jo of Candilu, MCO a, US/US
QGC Mor-Ace Satan, MCO n 22, 1971-01-18, US/US
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
Whittemore Schiller, MCO a, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Tortilla of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO f, US/US
Whittemore Sandy, MCO d, US/US
Whittemore Randi, MCO e, US/US
Ginger of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO d 21 94, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Bleu Belle of Mor-Ace, MCO a 21, 1969-05-28, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
Mor-Ace Venus, MCO a 21, US/US
Harobed Blackie of Mor-Ace, MCO n, US/US
Harobed Clinton of House of Lords, MCO n 21, US/US
Harobed Benton, MCO d 09 21, US/US
Harobed Benedicta, MCO a 21, US/US
Harobed Charlotte of Mor-Ace, MCO fs 09 23, 1969-04-02, US/US
Harobed Benton, MCO d 09 21, US/US
Harobed Benedicta, MCO a 21, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Bleu Belle of Mor-Ace, MCO a 21, 1969-05-28, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
CH Magnificoon Patches of Jaidee, MCO f 09, 1976-04-17, US/US
DGC Yankeecats Quartz of Magnificoon, MCO w 62, 1971-09-01, US/US
CH Black Jack of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO n, US/US
CH Snow Queen of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO w 64, US/US
CH Bo Chat Buttercup of Magnificoon, MCO d 09 21, 1973-02-16, US/US
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH Tati-Tan Moses of Sundar, MCO n 22, 1968-07-11, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
CH Emin-Dale Sarah of Sundar, MCO d 09, US/US
Whittemore Daemon of Emin-Dale, MCO d 21, US/US
Whittemore Scandel, MCO n, US/-
Golden Girl of Whittemore, MCO d 21
Whittemore Cali of Emin-Dale, MCO f 09, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Bonnie Lee of Whittemore, MCO a, US/US
Sundar Biskit of Bo Chat, MCO fs 11
CH Heidi Ho Zacharius P. of Sundar, MCO ds 11, US/-
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
Tati-Tan Anya of Sundar, MCO f 21, 1969-05-28, US/-
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
CH Kreidcats Sheridan of Terrificats, MCO n 09 22, 1982-04-27, US/US
RW-GP Lovabacon Miguel of Kreidcats, MCO n 09, 1980-08-21, US/-
GC Suzeran Lord Peter Wimsey of Kinukun, MCO n 09, 1977-08-07, US/US
GC Coonhollow Robroy of Suzeran, MCO d 09 23, 1976-06-26, US/US
SGC Havenwood Billy Budd of Suzeran, MCO n 09 23, 1974-08-13, US/US
CH Tesora Bio-Ful-Tu of Havenwood, MCO n 09 23
Havenwood Half-Track, MCO a 09
Havenwood Blue Boy [US], MCO a 09
Havenwood Black Magic, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
Tesora Tzu-Hsi, MCO n
Big Red of Tesora [US], MCO d 09 23
Boo-Tsi of Tesora [US], MCO n
CH Havenwood Mu-Berry, MCO n 23, US/US
Havenwood Kumalo, MCO d 09 23, US/US
Pupuli Mauna Kea of Havenwood, MCO w 62, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Pupuli Snowshoes, MCO w 63, US/US
CH Havenwood Black Velvet, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
CH Havenwood Columbine, MCO w 63, US/US
Pupuli Mauna Kea of Havenwood, MCO w 62, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Pupuli Snowshoes, MCO w 63, US/US
Havenwood Black Magic, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
CH Family Zoo Silver Bud of Coonhollow, MCO fs 21
CH Havenwood Bobcat of Family Zoo, MCO n 23
Havenwood Kumalo, MCO d 09 23, US/US
Pupuli Mauna Kea of Havenwood, MCO w 62, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Pupuli Snowshoes, MCO w 63, US/US
CH Havenwood Black Velvet, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
Havenwood Spice, MCO f 09
Pupuli Mauna Kea of Havenwood, MCO w 62, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Pupuli Snowshoes, MCO w 63, US/US
CH Havenwood Black Velvet, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
Lady Raboo of Family Zoo, MCO g 09
Blue Boy of Pointless Forest [US], MCO a 09
Family Zoo Puff of Pointless Forest, MCO f
Family Zoo Blacky [US], MCO n
Family Zoo Bambi [US], MCO f
CH Suzeran Abigail Adams, MCO f 09 21, 1976-03-02, US/US
SGC Havenwood Billy Budd of Suzeran, MCO n 09 23, 1974-08-13, US/US
CH Tesora Bio-Ful-Tu of Havenwood, MCO n 09 23
Havenwood Half-Track, MCO a 09
Havenwood Blue Boy [US], MCO a 09
Havenwood Black Magic, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
Tesora Tzu-Hsi, MCO n
Big Red of Tesora [US], MCO d 09 23
Boo-Tsi of Tesora [US], MCO n
CH Havenwood Mu-Berry, MCO n 23, US/US
Havenwood Kumalo, MCO d 09 23, US/US
Pupuli Mauna Kea of Havenwood, MCO w 62, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Pupuli Snowshoes, MCO w 63, US/US
CH Havenwood Black Velvet, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
CH Havenwood Columbine, MCO w 63, US/US
Pupuli Mauna Kea of Havenwood, MCO w 62, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Pupuli Snowshoes, MCO w 63, US/US
Havenwood Black Magic, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
Havenwood Sally Penny of Suzeran, MCO d 23, 1975-05-20, US/US
Havenwood Red Baron, MCO d 23
CH Tesora Bio-Ful-Tu of Havenwood, MCO n 09 23
Havenwood Half-Track, MCO a 09
Havenwood Blue Boy [US], MCO a 09
Havenwood Black Magic, MCO n, US/US
Tesora Tzu-Hsi, MCO n
Big Red of Tesora [US], MCO d 09 23
Boo-Tsi of Tesora [US], MCO n
Havenwood Spice, MCO f 09
Pupuli Mauna Kea of Havenwood, MCO w 62, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Pupuli Snowshoes, MCO w 63, US/US
CH Havenwood Black Velvet, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
Havenwood Cinnamon, MCO f
Havenwood Kumalo, MCO d 09 23, US/US
Pupuli Mauna Kea of Havenwood, MCO w 62, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Pupuli Snowshoes, MCO w 63, US/US
CH Havenwood Black Velvet, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
Havenwood Spice, MCO f 09
Pupuli Mauna Kea of Havenwood, MCO w 62, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Pupuli Snowshoes, MCO w 63, US/US
CH Havenwood Black Velvet, MCO n, US/US
Pupuli Tiggur, MCO n 23, US/US
Miss Georgia Brown of Havenwood [US], MCO w 63, US/US
RW-GC GP Jaidee Panda of Terrificats, DM, MCO n 09, 1977-08-21
CH Candilu Licorice of Jaidee, MCO n 09, 1976-05-19, US/-
Mor-Ace Zeus, MCO w
CH Snoopy of Mor-Ace, MCO w 62
Whittemore Randi, MCO e, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Princess Sue of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO w, US/US
Miss Tammy of Whittemore, MCO w
Blue Boy of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO a, US/US
Princess Puff of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO w, US/US
Tati-Tan Lisa of Kettle Top, MCO e 21, US/US
Tati-Tan Campelle, MCO e 09 21, US/-
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
Tati-Tan Caprice, MCO g, US/-
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
Mor-Ace Billie Jo of Candilu, MCO a, US/US
QGC Mor-Ace Satan, MCO n 22, 1971-01-18, US/US
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
Whittemore Schiller, MCO a, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Tortilla of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO f, US/US
Whittemore Sandy, MCO d, US/US
Whittemore Randi, MCO e, US/US
Ginger of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO d 21 94, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Bleu Belle of Mor-Ace, MCO a 21, 1969-05-28, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
Mor-Ace Venus, MCO a 21, US/US
Harobed Blackie of Mor-Ace, MCO n, US/US
Harobed Clinton of House of Lords, MCO n 21, US/US
Harobed Benton, MCO d 09 21, US/US
Harobed Benedicta, MCO a 21, US/US
Harobed Charlotte of Mor-Ace, MCO fs 09 23, 1969-04-02, US/US
Harobed Benton, MCO d 09 21, US/US
Harobed Benedicta, MCO a 21, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Bleu Belle of Mor-Ace, MCO a 21, 1969-05-28, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
CH Magnificoon Patches of Jaidee, MCO f 09, 1976-04-17, US/US
DGC Yankeecats Quartz of Magnificoon, MCO w 62, 1971-09-01, US/US
CH Black Jack of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO n, US/US
CH Snow Queen of Yankeecats [Idaho, US], MCO w 64, US/US
CH Bo Chat Buttercup of Magnificoon, MCO d 09 21, 1973-02-16, US/US
CH Sundar Humphrey of Bo Chat, MCO d 22
CH Tati-Tan Moses of Sundar, MCO n 22, 1968-07-11, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
CH Emin-Dale Sarah of Sundar, MCO d 09, US/US
Whittemore Daemon of Emin-Dale, MCO d 21, US/US
Whittemore Scandel, MCO n, US/-
Golden Girl of Whittemore, MCO d 21
Whittemore Cali of Emin-Dale, MCO f 09, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Bonnie Lee of Whittemore, MCO a, US/US
Sundar Biskit of Bo Chat, MCO fs 11
CH Heidi Ho Zacharius P. of Sundar, MCO ds 11, US/-
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
Tati-Tan Anya of Sundar, MCO f 21, 1969-05-28, US/-
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
Friscoon Blu Danube of Kreidcats, MCO a 22, 1979-12-06, US/-
QGC Zig-Krn Devil of Kibs, MCO n 22, 1978-06-26
DGC Mor-Ace My Boy of Zig-Krn, MCO n 03, 1975-03-12, US/US
QGC Mor-Ace Satan, MCO n 22, 1971-01-18, US/US
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
Whittemore Schiller, MCO a, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Tortilla of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO f, US/US
Whittemore Sandy, MCO d, US/US
Whittemore Randi, MCO e, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Princess Sue of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO w, US/US
Ginger of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO d 21 94, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Bleu Belle of Mor-Ace, MCO a 21, 1969-05-28, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Blue Boy of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22
Pom Pom of Tati-Tan, MCO w
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
Rainbow of Tati-Tan, MCO n 09 21
Puff of Tati-Tan, MCO w 62
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Koko of Tati-Tan, MCO n 23, US/-
Belle of Tati-Tan, MCO f, US/-
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
Don Juan of Tati-Tan, MCO n 23, US/-
Gypsy of Tati-Tan, MCO f, US/-
CH Tati-Tan Colette of Mor-Ace, MCO f 09 22, 1970-03-25, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Blue Boy of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22
Prince Igor, MCO a 21
Nina, MCO w
Pom Pom of Tati-Tan, MCO w
Dimitri, MCO w
Anastasia, MCO * 09 21
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
Rainbow of Tati-Tan, MCO n 09 21
Brutus, MCO n 21
Cleopatra, MCO n 09 21
Puff of Tati-Tan, MCO w 62
Thor, MCO a 09
Colette, MCO a 23
GC Tati-Tan Coquette de France, MCO f 09 21, 1968-07-11, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Blue Boy of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22
Pom Pom of Tati-Tan, MCO w
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
Rainbow of Tati-Tan, MCO n 09 21
Puff of Tati-Tan, MCO w 62
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Koko of Tati-Tan, MCO n 23, US/-
Belle of Tati-Tan, MCO f, US/-
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
Don Juan of Tati-Tan, MCO n 23, US/-
Gypsy of Tati-Tan, MCO f, US/-
GC Zig-Krn Magnificent Maggie, MCO n 22, 1976-04-14
QGC Abnaki Mr. Bo Jangles of Le Beau Minu, MCO a 22, 1971-04-22
CH Fluffanutter of Abnaki, MCO n 09 22, 1969-06-09, US/US
Peanut Butter Cup, MCO n 23
Mittens II [US], MCO n 09, US/US
Missey V [US], MCO ns 21, US/US
Affie Dibbles, MCO ns 23
Mittens II [US], MCO n 09, US/US
Missey V [US], MCO ns 21, US/US
Whittemore Chick-A-Dee of Abnaki, MCO g 21, US/US
Whittemore Randi, MCO e, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Princess Sue of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO w, US/US
Whittemore Fluffy, MCO f 09, US/US
Whittemore Sammie, MCO n, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Ginger of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO d 21 94, US/US
Princess Sue of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO w, US/US
CH Zig-Krn Pretty Girl of Felton, MCO n 22
GC Whittemore O-No of Zig-Krn, MCO n, 1969-09-07, US/US
Whittemore Schiller, MCO a, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Tortilla of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO f, US/US
Whittemore Sandy, MCO d, US/US
Whittemore Randi, MCO e, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Princess Sue of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO w, US/US
Ginger of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO d 21 94, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Belbette of Zig-Krn, MCO a 09 21, US/-
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Blue Boy of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22
Pom Pom of Tati-Tan, MCO w
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
Rainbow of Tati-Tan, MCO n 09 21
Puff of Tati-Tan, MCO w 62
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
Mr. Bibs of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22, US/US
Koko of Tati-Tan, MCO n 23, US/-
Belle of Tati-Tan, MCO f, US/-
Bon Bon II of Tati-Tan, MCO f 09, US/US
Don Juan of Tati-Tan, MCO n 23, US/-
Gypsy of Tati-Tan, MCO f, US/-
GC Illya Creme de Coco of Friscoon, MCO n 23, 1977-07-07, US/US
CH Illya Shem, MCO n 23, 1975-01-03, US/US
GC Miston Saco Buoy, MCO n 09, 1974-04-22, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Noah of Miston, MCO n 09 23, 1972-10-24, US/-
GC Heidi Ho Seth Parker, MCO d 09 23, 1970-12-26, US/-
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Molly Stark, MCO n 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
CH Miston Ms. Lilith, MCO f, 1972-02-24
CH Whittemore Senator Muskie of Norwynde, MCO a, 1968-07-17, US/US
Whittemore Randi, MCO e, US/US
Smokie Joe of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO n, US/US
Princess Sue of Whittemore [Maine, US], MCO w, US/US
Whittemore Dinah of Harobed, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Sammie, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Tigress, MCO n 21, US/US
CH Tati-Tan Sans Souci of Miston, MCO f 21, US/-
GC Tati-Tan Bijou, MCO d 22, 1969-05-28, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
GC Tati-Tan Coquette de France, MCO f 09 21, 1968-07-11, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
CH Tatiana of Tati-Tan [US], MCO f 22, 1965-12-24, US/US
TGC Miston Misty Blu, MCO a 23, 1973-10-30, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Noah of Miston, MCO n 09 23, 1972-10-24, US/-
GC Heidi Ho Seth Parker, MCO d 09 23, 1970-12-26, US/-
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Molly Stark, MCO n 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
Norwynde Blu Hether of Miston, MCO a, 1972-03-18, US/US
CH Norwynde Mingo, MCO n 23, 1969-02-09, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Norwynde Miss Blue Girl of Tati-Tan, MCO a, 1968-02-15, US/US
Whittemore Sam-Bo of Norwynde, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Mid-Nite of Norwynde, MCO n, US/US
Norwynde Moki, MCO a, US/US
Whittemore Sam-Bo of Norwynde, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Schiller, MCO a, US/US
Whittemore Fluffy, MCO f 09, US/US
Whittemore Mid-Nite of Norwynde, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Sammie, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Tigress, MCO n 21, US/US
DGC Illya Coco de Chanel, MCO n 23, 1975-06-03, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Blue Boy of Tati-Tan, MCO a 22
Prince Igor, MCO a 21
Nina, MCO w
Pom Pom of Tati-Tan, MCO w
Dimitri, MCO w
Anastasia, MCO * 09 21
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
Rainbow of Tati-Tan, MCO n 09 21
Brutus, MCO n 21
Cleopatra, MCO n 09 21
Puff of Tati-Tan, MCO w 62
Thor, MCO a 09
Colette, MCO a 23
TGC Miston Misty Blu, MCO a 23, 1973-10-30, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Noah of Miston, MCO n 09 23, 1972-10-24, US/-
GC Heidi Ho Seth Parker, MCO d 09 23, 1970-12-26, US/-
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
CH Heidi Ho Molly Stark, MCO n 23, 1970-12-26, US/US
Andy Katt of Heidi Ho [Maryland, US], MCO n 09 23, 1969-04-10, US/US
Susan [Maryland, US], HCS as 23, US/US
Bridget Katt of Heidi Ho [Florida, US], MCO fs, 1969-04-06, US/US
Norwynde Blu Hether of Miston, MCO a, 1972-03-18, US/US
CH Norwynde Mingo, MCO n 23, 1969-02-09, US/US
TGC Dauphin de France of Tati-Tan [New York, US], MCO n 09 23, 1967-05-20, US/US
Kris Kringle of Tati-Tan, MCO a 09 22
Petite Bon Bon of Tati-Tan, MCO w, US/US
CH Norwynde Miss Blue Girl of Tati-Tan, MCO a, 1968-02-15, US/US
Whittemore Sam-Bo of Norwynde, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Mid-Nite of Norwynde, MCO n, US/US
Norwynde Moki, MCO a, US/US
Whittemore Sam-Bo of Norwynde, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Schiller, MCO a, US/US
Whittemore Fluffy, MCO f 09, US/US
Whittemore Mid-Nite of Norwynde, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Sammie, MCO n, US/US
Whittemore Tigress, MCO n 21, US/US

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.